Privacy Policy

Palform Ltd is a company registered in England (United Kingdom), from here referred to as "us", "we", "our", "Palform", or the "Company". Our registered company number is 15796859. Our registered office is at 12 Larke Rise, Manchester M20 2UL, United Kingdom. The website at and its subdomains (collectively the "Site") are all operated by us.

This document sets out our approach to data protection, and your rights and obligations in relation to your personal information. If you do not agree with this document in its entirety, you must immediately stop using the Site.

This document shall be governed under the laws of England, United Kingdom. Some terms may also make reference to European Union law.

End-to-end encryption

Some personal information is stored by Palform in an end-to-end encrypted format such that the Company is technically unable to access it in its plaintext form. Such handling of data may still constitute "processing" of the data by Palform under the definitions in the UK Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What data do we process?

For form creators (administrative users):

  • Your name, work email address, and a password. These help us and your colleagues identify you and secure your account. We will use your email address to send you essential service updates (such as changes to our legal documents). We will not (by default) use your email address to send you marketing materials.
  • Payment information, including your full billing address. This is only required when upgrading to a paid plan. This data is shared with Stripe to facilitate payments. You are required to read Stripe's Privacy Policy prior to making a payment.
  • Your activity within the administrative dashboard (e.g. creating/deleting certain resources) may be recorded if your organisation uses audit logging. This information will be visible to your organisation's administrator(s) for a period of up to 30 days.
  • Your IP address and other semantic information about your browsing activity may be collected by Cloudflare for the essential purpose of facilitating a captcha on our website, thereby improving security. Please refer to Cloudflare's Privacy Policy.

For form fillers (end users):

  • Any information you fill in within a form created by an organisation using the Site. As explained above, this data is end-to-end ecnrypted and is therefore invisible to Palform. Palform provides hosting and storage of this information, while having zero access to its actual plaintext contents. Administrative users with the correct key(s) within the organisation that created the form are able to decrypt your response and see its contents. Palform is not responsible for the privacy practices of companies creating forms on our Site. Please ensure you agree to the end organisation's privacy policies before submitting any forms.
    Never submit passwords through Palform. End-to-end encryption is not a suitably secure method of password storage. Requesting passwords through Palform is prohibited.
    Form responses may be retained for an unlimited period of time, depending on the authoring organisation's policies.
  • Any files you upload in a form. As above, these are also end-to-end encrypted and stored separately, while being attached to your form response itself.
  • Some forms may have a captcha to ensure additional security. Your IP address and other semantic information about your browsing activity may be collected by Cloudflare for this purpose on our website. Please refer to Cloudflare's Privacy Policy.

What are your rights?

Under the UK DPA and the EU GDPR, you are able to exercise your statutory rights in relation to your personal information. To exercise any of these rights, please email [email protected]. We are legally required to respond within 28 days of receiving a valid, reasonable request. We may assign a small additional charge to particularly extensive requests.

Rights in relation to data submitted through our forms cannot be exercised by contacting Palform, as we are unable to read or modify encrypted information. We are also unable to delete data in most cases, as we do not collect personally identifying information that can be used to connect an encrypted response to you (in most cases).

Right to access: you are able to access your personal information at any time. For administrative users, this can be done entirely through the administrative dashboard. If there is any additional information that cannot be found on the dashboard, please email [email protected]. Similarly, for a machine-readable format export of your personal information, please email us.

Right to deletion: Administrative users are able to delete their personal user accounts or their entire organisations through our administrative dashboard. This can only be done when all payments and other dependencies are fully resolved. Payment information, including your billing address, may be retained for a longer period in compliance with UK law.

Automated processing: Palform does not perform automated decision-making using your personal data.

Right to rectification: Administrative users are able to easily change their personal details and their payment information from our administrative dashboard. Users submitting forms are not able to rectify their form data through Palform, and must instead contact the form's authoring organisation to exercise such a request.


If you feel we have mishandled your personal information or not fulfilled our legal obligations, you may make a complaint.

First, you are required to submit your complaint to Palform, by emailing [email protected]. If you are not satisfied with our response, you may make a further complaint to the relevant supervisory authority. For Palform in the UK, this is the Information Comissioner's Office.


We may update this policy from time to time. We will inform you by email at least 28 days prior to an update as long as you have an active account on the Site.

This policy was last updated on 31/07/2024.