Try out our free templates to get instant forms ready to fill out within seconds. You can set them up with a Palform account and get unlimited responses, completely free of charge. Our forms are end-to-end encrypted with industry-leading security standards, guaranteeing high customer trust and reducing the risk of data breaches.
A sleek online application form can increase the rate of job applications, helping you secure the best possible applicants. They'll see the professionalism of your company and Palform's ultra-secure features will let them know you take their privacy seriously. The form has a built-in resume upload, conditional branching, and more! Customise it to your precise needs and get unlimited job applications for free!
444 10
Freebies are an amazing way to get leads. Give them something valuable they can't refuse, like a free guide to your industry with useful insights. Simply add the link to the end of the form, and they'll be able to download it super easily — plus, you'll get their email address. You can embed the form on your website or distribute a link/QR code on social media. Make sure you're complying with relevant data protection regulations and inform users about their rights.
243 1
Enticing with something free is a tried-and-tested method of generating leads. Get your potential customers hooked with this customisable, quick-to-setup lead generation form. You can embed it on your website or simply send it as a link. By showing one question at a time, the form is more engaging and increases conversion rates.
223 5
A newsletter is an amazing way to build a dedicated following of enthusiasts. Make sure to keep the content interesting and non-spammy, and you'll build an ultra-focussed fanbase in no time. This customisable form will give you a list of email addresses, and you can embed it in your website or just send a link to anyone interested.
199 1